Conference Presentations

Thumbnail of report cover from Particle Meeting presentation

2024 Cambridge Particle Meeting

PN Concentration and Size Distribution Measurements from CNG and Diesel HGVs

2024 OSAR Conference Presentation Cover Thumbnail

2024 OSAR Conference

(formerly Int’l PEMS Conference)

Suitability of iPEMS for Inspection and Maintenance in Nigeria

Data Carbon Partners Presentation Cover Thumbnail

2024 CRC Real World Emissions Workshop

PEMS Measurements of Tailpipe Emissions for Building a Voluntary Mobile Source Carbon Offset Program: A Case Study from Africa

2024 CRC Real World Emissions Workshop Presentation Cover Thumbnail

2024 CRC Real World Emissions Workshop

Cleaning the Air in Nigeria – Lessons from an I/M Campaign

report cover for Potential for miniPEMS to identify high<br />
emitters via advanced inspection and<br />
maintenance methods

2023 OSAR Conference

(formerly Int’l PEMS Conference)

Potential for miniPEMS to Identify High Emitters via Advanced Inspection and Maintenance Methods

report cover for Investigation of Fleet Emissions using<br />
Enhanced Inspection and Maintenance<br />

2023 CRC Real World Emissions Workshop

Investigation of Fleet Emissions using Enhanced Inspection and Maintenance Methods

thumbnail for Incorporating NOx Test into Enhanced I/M poster

2023 CRC Real World Emissions Workshop

Incorporating NOx Test into Enhanced I/M

2022 PEMS Conference PN Gases Evaluation Presentation Cover Page

2022 UCR International PEMS Conference

Performance Evaluation of an iPEMS: Intercomparisons and Implications for Road-side Inspection, Fleet Screening, and Road Worthiness

2022 PEMS methods to identify high emittersConference Presentation Cover Page

2022 UCR International PEMS Conference

iPEMS Use for Advanced Inspection and Maintenance (I/M) Methods to Identify High Emitters



Recalibration of the parSYNC® Particulate Calculation Matrix and Investigations Into PN and PM Reported From Different Emissions Measurement Systems During Chassis Dynamometer Testing of a GDI Vehicle Presentation Chart

2022 CRC Real World Emissions Workshop

Recalibration of the parSYNC® Particulate Calculation Matrix and Investigations Into PN and PM Reported From Different Emissions Measurement Systems During Chassis Dynamometer Testing of a GDI Vehicle


2022 Real World Emissions Workshop Presentation Cover Page

2022 CRC Real World Emissions Workshop

Advanced Inspection and Maintenance (I/M) Methods to Identify High Emitters

2021 ETH Nanoparticles Conference Presentation Cover Page

2021 ETH Conference On Combustion-Generated Nanoparticles

Measuring and Reporting PN and PM Values From Vehicles With Different Engines, Aftertreatment Technologies and Fuel Types



2021 A&WMA's Annual Conference & Exhibition Presentation Cover Page

2021 A&WMA’s Annual Conference & Exhibition

An Investigation Into the Particle Number (PN) and Particle Mass (PM) Reported from Different Emissions Measurement Systems During Chassis Dynamometer Testing of a GDI Vehicle


2021 CARTEEH Transportation, Air Quality and Health Symposium Presentation Cover Page

2021 CARTEEH Transportation, Air Quality and Health Symposium

COVID-19 and Air Pollution: A Case Study of a London Street

2021 VERT Forum Presentation Cover Page

2021 VERT Forum

New Approaches to Vehicle Emissions Inspections



2021 UCR PEMS Conference Presentation Cover Page

2021 UCR International PEMS Conference

New Approaches to Periodic Technical Inspection (PTI) Vehicle Emission Tests

2021 Oxford Air Quality Meeting Presentation Cover Page

2021 Oxford Air Quality Meeting

COVID-19 and Air Pollution: A Case Study of a London Street