World's First PNC + 4-gas + NOx Analyzer!

The all-in-one emissions testing solution featuring a certified PNC sensor!

Flexible iPEMS: Design The Best Solution For YOU

The 3DATX parSYNC® FLEX-PNC iPEMS (integrated Portable Emissions Measurement System) provides gaseous AND nanoparticle measurements with a proprietary cartridge system. The gaseous side utilizes a “hot-swap” cartridge system for traditional 4-gas measurement (CO2, CO, HC, O2) plus NOX (NO and NO2). The particulate matter side utilizes NMi, METAS, and PTB certified particle number concentration (PNC) sensor based on the extended diffusion charging principle.


Further customize your parSYNC® FLEX-PNC to allow for the real-time acquisition of:

  • Wireless OBD Data Logger: User-defined ECU Data for LD and HD
  • Real-time GPS and Ambient Meteorology Data (pressure, temperature, humidity)
  • Ports for Additional Measurements (ie – exhaust flow rate, after-treatment temperature)

The parSYNC® Series of devices are powered by a common software interface, either directly on the imbedded LCD screen or from a linked laptop, which provides a familiar and adaptable platform to each unique transportation challenge presented.

The software and hardware embedded in parSYNC® is completely customizable and extremely valuable for the 3DATX user community. This broad spectrum and flexibility of analytical and reporting functions for fleet managers, manufacturers, consultants and regulatory compliance specialists is particularly useful as national and international Governments and Authorities ramp up new emissions standards.

Also available: Robust, field-ready, PNC calibrator with adjustable particle concentration range from 0 to 107 #/cm3 . Fast and simple setup. Includes salt generator.

FLEX-PNC open back
FLEX-PNC with attachments

Batteries sold separately

Features and Benefits

  • Small Size/Lightweight = Easily transported to job site
    • Size: 43 cm x 57 cm x 25 cm
    • Weight:
      ◦ 19.7 kg (w/dual Milwaukee M18 8.0 Ah batteries)
      ◦ 17.6 kg (w/o batteries)
  • Gases (CO2, CO, HC, NO2, NO, O2) and Particles (PM, PN23, PN10) in one device; SO2 available in alternate cartridge
  • Hot-swap gas sensor cartridges eliminate downtown in the field
  • Sample conditioning: condensate removal and volatile particle reduction
  • Wi-Fi and Ethernet connection to a laptop with modern and powerful GUI
  • Simple and quick GUI-controlled calibration of Gas and Particle sensors
  • Onboard data storage and display for laptop-free operation
  • Fuels: Petrol, Diesel, P/D Blends, LPG, LNG, CNG
  • Ambient T: 5-40°C
  • Ambient RH: 0.5-85% non-condensing
  • Altitude: Up to 2,000m above sea level
  • Recording Rate: 1Hz
  • Rugged and easy to maintain and operate

Additional Accessories

  • Milwaukee 18V 8.0 AH Standard Lithium-Ion batteries; 1.5 hr life expectancy, hot-swap extends runtime
  • Connects to many external devices
    • Wireless OBD Logger
    • Weather Station + GPS
    • Exhaust FLow Meter
    • NH3 Measurement Device and more

Sensor Specifications

Standard parSYNC®FLEX-PNC sensor cartridge configuration includes:

Basic Particulates Cartridge Specs Chart
Basic Particulates Cartridge Specs Chart


Click here for a downloadable brochure of our full line of sensor cartridges to create the testing solution that’s right for you!

Click here for a downloadable version of this brochure!

Request A Quote

Are you ready to harness the versatility of the parSYNC® FLEX for your next auto emissions measurement project? Get an obligation free quote and let one of our knowledgeable reps walk you through your options!

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