On-road testing is now a whole lot easier and more economical.

With new and improved electronics, and an expansion slot for both a PN/PM Sensor Cartridge AND a GasMOD™ Sensor Cartridge

Meet our legacy iPEMS, the parSYNC® PLUS!

Please note: This system is no longer available for purchase or rental. Please visit our Products Page to learn about our current offerings.

Measuring and evaluating vehicle emissions for research, compliance, or defect identification is a challenging application that demands modern emissions testing capabilities. The 3DATX parSYNC® (an integrated Portable Emissions Measurement System or iPEMS) provides the capability of providing gaseous AND nanoparticle measurements using a proprietary cartridge system. This unique “hot-swap” cartridge system delivers emissions measurement for: CO, CO2, NOX, NO, NO2, particle number (PN), and particulate matter (PM). The 3DATX patented multi-plex particle sensor system provides the ability to capture multiple, dissimilar “images” of particles using Ionization, Scattering, and Opacity sensors in addition to outputs for Particle Number (PN) and Particulate Mass (PM). The parSYNC® Series of devices are powered by a common software interface, which provides a familiar and adaptable platform to each unique transportation challenge presented. The software and hardware embedded in the parSYNC® is completely customizable and extremely valuable for the 3DATX user community. This broad spectrum and flexibility of analytical and reporting functions for fleet managers, manufacturers, consultants and regulatory compliance specialists is particularly useful as state, federal, and international Governments ramp up new emissions standards.

parSYNC® CUBE and 3DATX carry bag

Features and Benefits of the 3DATX parSYNC® iPEMS Unit


  • Small-size/Light-weight = Easily transported to job site
  • Dimensions: 12cm x 22cm x 13cm
  • Weight: 4.1 kg (9 lb)
  • Battery Life: 8-10 hours
  • Internal Power Supply: 12V Lithium Ion Polymer Battery
  • Low Power Consumption: 1.0 amps typically, 2.5 amps peak@12VDC
  • Rugged and weather resistant
  • Wireless/Bluetooth capabilities
  • Easy to maintain and operate
  • Simple and quick calibration process (BAR97 Hi/Lo, etc)
  • Fully automated LabVIEW® based software (customizable for specific requirements)
  • Replaceable sensor cartridges (GasMOD™ and PN/PM)

CUBE (Condensate Unit for Batch Emissions)

  • Weight: 2.6 kg (5.7 lb)
  • Battery Life: 4-5 hours
GasMod and PM/PN sensor cartridges

Our parSYNC® utilizes replaceable GasMOD™ and PN/PM sensor cartridges. What does this mean for you? There’s no longer the need to send in your emissions measurement equipment to replace these components. Instead, our hot swappable sensor cartridges are easy to replace yourself, leading to less down time in the field!

We also offer reSYNC™, a recycling program for our cartridges, which helps to not only reduce waste and our environmental impact, but also offers discount incentives to help you save on future purchases with 3DATX.

Learn more about our reSYNC™ recycling program now! >>>


parSYNC® PLUS Gas Cartridge Specs Chart
parSYNC® PLUS PM Cartridge Specs Chart
parSYNC® in action
parSYNC® in use on motorcycle
parSYNC® in use on small engine

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