“…something to do.”
I am an optimistic person by nature. And in my opinion, planning always helps. Before a crisis (or during, if caught off-guard), I have found it important to continuously assess a situation and to consider what the worst possible outcome may be. If I can think of a few options that may have a chance of success, I’m good.
“…keep moving forward.”
“Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain’t all sunshine and rainbows. It’s a very mean and nasty place, and I don’t care how tough you are, it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain’t about how hard you hit, it’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That’s how winning is done!” Rocky Balboa – 2006
“Houston, we have a problem…”
Without a doubt, 1995’s ‘Apollo 13‘, directed by Ron Howard and starring Tom Hanks, is one of my favorite all-time movies. The reason is simple. It is based on a true story, with very little of Hollywood’s famous ‘artistic license’ used, and demonstrates some of the most profound, life-or-death problem-solving concepts I have ever encountered on the big screen. And of course, the Apollo 13 crisis gave us the infamous phrase, “Houston, we have a problem.” So, there’s that.
“…It’s Always Something.”
As the famous American Comedy show Saturday Night Live (SNL) character, ‘Roseanne Roseannadanna’ (portrayed by the late, great Gilda Radner) was known for saying in the 1970’s: “…it just goes to show you, it’s always something — if it ain’t one thing, it’s another.” …and her more sharply focused and to the point comment: “…it’s always something.”
COP26: Considerations as the World Strives for Net Zero
COP26 is poised to set the course on emissions reductions from vehicles, but all the facts must be considered or future mistakes will only compound the problem.
The Democratization of Vehicle Emissions Testing
PSN White Paper
Click on the graphs to read the PSN white paper in full.
The parSYNC® just got better. Introducing the NOx/CO2 GasMOD™ Sensor Cartridge. With new and improved electronics, and an expansion slot for both a PM Sensor Cartridge AND a GasMOD™ Sensor Cartridge for NOx and CO2, integrated Portable Emissions Measurement Systems...
VW – Gaming the System: Consent Decree, “Part II – The Sequel”?
By David Miller The VW Corporation, like their Beetle model, has recently gone “retro”. VW pulled out a software trick from the 1990’s fuel & emissions playbook – and it is turning out exactly the same way today as it did in 1999. But first, a little more...
CA/GE™ Development
3DATX IS PLEASED TO INTRODUCE the CA/GE™ System - the first true Particle Measurement/Number Calibrator/Generator Simulation System on the market. The next-generation of iPEMS – Integrated Portable Emissions Measurement Systems – require the ability to ensure that...
IMHO* Series – A discussion with John Koupal
*In My Humble Opinion, 6/9/15 We continue to receive feedback on the popularity of our IMHO* Interviews – so we have decided to continue the format. This week’s “Interviewee” is John Koupal – and here is a little background: John Koupal is a Principal Engineer for...
IMHO* Series – A discussion with Nick Molden
*In My Humble Opinion, 5/27/15 Lately, we have been hearing a lot about Nick Molden and his company, Emissions Analytics. A little background: Nick is a graduate of the University of Oxford, with an MA in Philosophy, Politics and Economics. Early on in his career,...
IMHO* Series – A discussion with Linwood Farmer
*In My Humble Opinion, 5/19/15 For this week’s blog, I had the opportunity to chat with Linwood Farmer who is the Vice President of Automotive Testing and Development Services based in Ontario, California. His company provides emissions and durability testing services...
IMHO* Series – An interview with Zissis Samaras
*In My Humble Opinion, 5/1/15 On April 21st I had the honor to chat with Professor Zissis Samaras, mechanical engineer & professor at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. He was recently the Keynote Speaker at the 5th annual PEMS Conference held by UC...